"You need to stop playing small..

You either build your dreams or you’ll find yourself helping someone build theirs.” Joyce Santiago Savage

Personal Development Seminars, Workshops, Retreats and Events


Joyce Santiago Savage

Motivational Speaker, Life & Business Coach

“When I realized that the key to freedom from my old limitations was simply to decide and become aware of my thoughts, I felt restored.
The only thing in this world that we have control over is our thoughts. These thoughts lead to the quality of the life we live.

My biggest breakthrough was realising that while we can be influenced by people, environment, conditions, and circumstances, we can also be inspired to take actions and choose our response to these different factors.

You are either a victor or a victim of your circumstances.”

Featured In

Some of My Past Speaking Events

My Keynote Topics

Gratitude & Goals: The 2 Steps to Success

Incorporating gratitude and goal-setting into your morning routine boosts happiness, focus, and productivity. Starting with gratitude sets a positive tone, while setting goals provides direction and motivation for the day.

Choosing Confidence in New Environments

Confidence is paramount for driving innovation, building trust, and fostering resilience. It empowers us to take initiative, make decisions, and collaborate effectively. Confidence also enhances satisfaction and motivation, contributing to a positive outview and overall success.

Progress Over Perfection: Impostor Syndrome

Done is better than perfect. Procrastination often masquerades as perfectionism: 'I need it to be perfect, therefore I can never be ready.' In this topic, I guide my audience through overcoming Impostor Syndrome and focusing on progress by accepting that all failures are simply feedback, and taking one step at a time is better than being stuck

kind words

Pick a Program That Speaks to You

Guest Speaking

Designed to trigger the performance mindset, this program features impactful and unforgettable quotes that will be etched in your thought patterns, prompting you to make better choices that lead to great outcomes.

  • 40 Minutes Session (1 topic)
  • Digital Mindset Workbook
  • 90 Seconds Technique to Change Your Life.

Half-Day Seminar

Created for an interactive experience that delves into understanding where limiting beliefs come from and leads you to better management of your mind, which will produce better outcomes in all areas of your life.

  • 3 Hours Seminar (2 Topics)
  • Digital Mindset Workshop
  • 90 Seconds Technique to Change Your Life.

Full Day Seminar

Experienced breakthroughs with

NLP Modalities that will debunker your debilitating old beliefs and values and create new ones that serves your future successful selves.

  • 6 Hours Seminar (2 Topics)
  • Mindset & Movement Workshop
  • Better Rapport Workshop
  • Digital Mindset Workbook
  • 90 Seconds Technique to Change Your Life.

Discover how strong you really are?

"Our strength and resilience are incomparable to anything else, although they are usually dormant. Sometimes you need someone in front of you to tell you with a motivating tone,


Let's do this!

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